John Constable
John Constable, with Noel Edmonds and Campbell Dunford at the REF Manifesto Launch

John Constable

John Constable will be taking part in the debate at the Plough on Thursday, following the performance of the Wind Thing.

John Constable was educated at Cambridge, where he took a PhD in English in 1993. Until June 2005 he was Senior Research Fellow at Magdalene College, Cambridge, and is best known for his mathematical distinction between verse and prose.  Since 2004 he has been working on energy policy, and is currently Policy and Research Director for the Renewable Energy Foundation.

John Constable is a direct descendant of the great landscape artist himself, and took part in Rolf Harris`s Big Draw Event where a large version of "The Hay Wain" (Constable) was produced.

We look forward to showing him our own "Big Painting" of Batsworthy Cross!